Date: 8/1 ( 1st Day )
Pursuing Intimacy With God 
Dear Abba Father, thank you for guiding me to participate in this global forty days prayer and fast. Please help me to overcome all the temptations and challenges of the flesh or spirit during this period, that I may pray with the global body of Christ wholeheartedly. Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I also pray that through this prayer and fasting, You will give me more hunger and thirst for Your words that I may soak in Your presence daily. Every day pour out Your Spirit over me and fill me that my heart may be satisfied. Cleanse me with Your holy light! Renew and refresh my thought and my mind as I gaze upon You! Surround me with Your love and draw me into a deeper intimacy with You, Let me follow You closely and walk in the will!
In Jesus name, Amen!
Repentance for Self 01
Psalm 33:22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,even as we hope in you.
Father God, You said that in the Last Days, You will once again shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry lands, as well as the nations of the earth. Now is the time! We see nations at war, and countless facing hardships and sorrows beyond measure. The Day of the Lord is near. Awaken us to pray and to make ready! Give me a broken spirit and a contrite heart, so I can have the grace to utterly repent and seek You with clean hands and a pure heart— that my prayers may be considered before You!
(You may skip over the ones that does not apply)
Lord, forgive me of my evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander (Matt. 15:19), coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness (Mark 7:22), anger, judgment, control, manipulation, selfishness, contention, injustice, the lust of the world, the temptation of money (Matt. 13:22), taking the Holy Communion in an unworthy manner, not examining self, (1 Corinthians 11) lust for evil, adultery, test the Lord, rebellion, and complaint (1 Corinthians 10), self-exaltation, disobedience, lust in the heart, and filth of the mind.
Lord, have mercy on me! Cleanse me by Your blood— Do not count my sins against me! Give me a chance to repent and turn to You. Set me on fire and restore my passion for You! Add to me more faith, more unhindered love and trust, knowing all that is from You is Good.
In Jesus’ Name, amen!
Pray For Nations
[Editor’s note: In these forty days, we will first pray for the countries participating in this fasting prayer. After that, we will pray daily for the countries in the continent according to the continents of the world. We will select three to four countries / regions and pray for them every day.]
Pray for China, Taiwan and Hong Kong
Dear Heavenly Father, We come as priests before You to pray for China, Taiwan, Hong Kong:
China: We bless China to be just, righteous and full of humility; let her relations with other nations to be in the will of God. Let China be a blessing to nations in following areas: politics, economy, military, ethnic groups (including overseas), culture, science and technology, church, diplomacy (relations with neighboring countries, influence in regional or international organizations, and responsibility in the international community), etc. Lead China into the will of God for the spreading of the gospel, the return of the gospel to Jerusalem, and the preparation of the coming of our glorious King.
- Let the Chinese church be united and enter into her destiny. Let her be a blessing to China, its neighboring countries and nations.
- Let the armies of prayer warriors and missionaries arise! Let them be connected in unity for the preparation of the revivals.
- Let all the people in China turn to the Lord.
- Let transformation and breakthrough begin to take place in China.
Taiwan: We bless Taiwan to have rich resources both in heaven and on earth; let her stand strong in the midst of challenges.
- Raise Up the Church: We ask the Holy Spirit to pour out to the church, giving her new anointing and power to rise up and shine. Let the church be united to intercede for Taiwan to turn from her evil ways; let her watch and pray for Taiwan covering Taiwan with prayers. Let the church forget what lies behind and move forward in unity until she sees the will of God accomplished in Taiwan.
- Raise up the younger generation; let the young people rise up and embrace God passionately.
- Connect the Chinese people globally to reach their destiny: Let Taiwan be awakened and arise to her destiny in the Kingdom of God. Let her accept her calling and anointing to bring forth revival and connect the global Chinese to complete the mission of returning the gospel to Jerusalem.
Hong Kong: We bless Hong Kong to have the anointing of Issachar, the understanding of the times and know what to do at the right time, becoming a bridge between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.
- Pray for Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Carrie Lam: Father, please give her wisdom and strategy to govern Hong Kong according to your will.
- Pray for the revival of campus in Hong Kong: Father, let the young people be full of hope, enter the Seven mountains and take possession where they set their feet on.
- Pray for Hong Kong to be free of Mammon’s Spirit: Father, shake and demolish Mammon’s economic system and re-establish God’s economic system.
- Pray for the revival of churches in Hong Kong: Father, please cleanse the churches in HongKong. Breathe into churches in Hong Kong and resurrect them like dry bones and become a very powerful evangelical army, removing the veils that block people’s eyes. Let the salvation spread throughout Hong Kong and ends of the earth to fulfill God’s Great Commission.
Lord, strengthen China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong to be like a threefold cord that cannot be easily broken. Let them be united in one heart, love one another, and walk hand in hand into the destiny You have for the Chinese people. Let Your will be done in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong on earth as it is in heaven. We pray in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Pray for International Leaders
- President Trump of the United State : Abba Father, we pray for President Trump. May You give him special grace and enable him to accomplish every tasks faithfully and humbly, full of strength and power. May the Holy spirit fill him and give him a clear vision, a humble and pure heart. May he has full concentration and be insightful for all government related affairs. May You give him divine wisdom and modest leadership to influence United States and the nations. We release the holy angels to encamp around him and his family, watch their coming and going. Any weapon formed against him shall not prosper. All the evil schemes will be tharted and foiled.
- Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu :Abba Father, as you said, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.” (Proverbs 21:1) We pray for the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu。By your great power and love, may the precious salvation come upon him and make him a clean heart and an upright spirit to govern Israel, leading Israel to repent and return to God. May you bless him and his family. Protect them and watch their coming and going.
- President Putin of Russia: Almighty God, we pray for President Putin of Russia, who is a gifted and outstanding leader, chosen by you to manifest your glory. May he loves Russia as a father loves his children, full of compassion, faithfulness and caring. May you you fill him with shalom and bless him and his family. Protect them and keep them safe coming and going.
- Chairman Xi Jinping of ChinaAbba Father, thank you for appointing Xi Jinping to be the chairman of the Chinese government. We believe that he will see your blessings, love and mercy for China. May you bless the work of his hands and let him be full of your wisdom. Because of the insights from You, he will walk on the path of truth and righteousness, receive all the riches of the Kingdom of God and lead China into her destiny. We also ask you to bless him and his family. Your protection will come upon him and his family.
Urgent Prayers for Nations
Pray for the fire in northern California
[Background: The wildfire that is currently raging in Northern California has turned into a firestorm from the evening of Thursday (July 26). The tornado formed by the flame uprooted the tree and cast it onto the building. The wildfire has already burnt or is threatening around 5000 structures. The life and property of 90, 000 residents of the city of Redding, where Bethel Church is located, are being threatened.
The fire was caused by the strong winds of 40 kilometers per hour and the high temperature of 43 degrees Celsius. Two firefighters were killed, at least 65 buildings were burnt down, and 37,000 residents were forced to evacuate. According to the current fire situation, if the situation is not controlled immediately, hundreds of buildings will be damaged. Bethel Church has urgently requested the body of Christ to intercede . ]
Pray for the Bethel Church and the residents in the area of the firestorm. Pray for God’s mercy and super natural intervention to stop the fire. May God keep and protect the Bethel church, the relief personnel and all the innocent people. May the damages be minimized.
Pray for the Persecuted Christians in Nigeria
[Current events: Nigerian Christians were attacked for 4 consecutive days on 6/22-25, resulting in 11 Christian villages in Plateau State being razed to the ground with more than 200 dead and thousands of people without home. These attacks were targeted as part of an integrated plan to Islamize Nigeria. In 2018 alone Fulani militants in central Nigeria have killed more than 6000 Christians along with burning houses and churches. Some new believers have forsaken their faith because of prejudice and poor living conditions. As persecutions of Christians around the world intensify, we need to stand with our suffering brothers and sisters.]
Acts 12:5 “So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.”
2 Corinthians 12:9-11 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
Dear Abba Father,
We ask You to stop the violent attacks and persecution against Christians with Your mighty power: bring offenders to justice and terminate any movement to “Islamize” Nigeria. Mobilize the global church to pray earnestly for the persecuted Christians. Lord, give to those in Nigeria Your sufficient grace, and strengthen them. Let the power of Christ rest upon them so that they will stand firm and remain patient and strong in faith in all their persecutions and tribulations. We pray for the martyrs’ families and the destroyed churches and homes. Lord, bring goodness from the ashes and turn the present sufferings into a great glory in the future. Send the Spirit of Shalom to the communities and raise up Christian ministries to support and comfort them. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Pray For Israel
Pray for Israel’s Salvation
Jeremiah 31:33-34 “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, “Know the LORD,” for they shall all know me, “from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
Dear Father, we come before Your throne of grace and ask You to forgive Israel for not knowing You. Forgive them for honoring the teachings and traditions of men more than You. Although they are well versed in Torah, they do not know Your truth. Lord, reveal Your truth to them so that their hearts will no longer be blinded by men’s traditions. You shall fulfill the word of Your promise to Israel in Jeremiah 31:33-34 and that they will come to know Jesus as their Messiah and receive true peace.
Pray for the LGBT People and Supporters
[Background:The Gay Pride Parade event was scheduled to take place in 8 Israeli cities between 6/8-8/2; the finale of the event will take place in Jerusalem on 8/2] Lord, the LGBT people are looking for love and acceptance; we ask You to meet them and eat and drink with them, as You did with tax collectors and sinners in Israel (Mathew 9:11). Let Your mercy and love come upon those who participate in the Gay Pride event and the open their eyes that they might return to You; stretch out Your mighty arm and save them from destruction. We ask the blood of Jesus to cleanse Israel from her sins. Let the anointing of Your victory fill Jerusalem and bring great glory to You. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.